Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Picking up where you left off

Right, it's been a while. Now that we've got that covered, let me say I want to pick this thing up a little bit again. I thought I'd just jump right in and give a glimpse of why I need Minutes Worth Hours now more than ever:

  • I'm now a full-time stay-at-home mom of a 15-month-old
  • My husband works full time
  • Two weeks ago I started my own business as a translator/(copy)writer
  • I try to keep a vegetable patch with my mother
  • We use cloth diapers and practice attachment parenting
And yet, so my dear husband points out, I still want to do more more more. Obviously I find myself without time to do it and too tired to keep up with anything. Yoga? Hasn't happened in months. Ironing? Three loads waiting upstairs. 

But, I am happy. We've got the most important bases covered. We make enough to cover our expenses. Our baby girl can stay at home instead of go to daycare and, most important of all, she's happy!

So what's my advice for today?

While you're running behind on your chores trying to get everything done and realizing you can't possible manage ... take a breath. Reflect and see if you've got the main things covered that you find of importance. 

If there's anything I've learned having a baby it's that the details don't really matter. What you find important in life, that's what should take up your time and effort. 

In the mean time, try not to flinch when your friend glances at the dirty dishes in the sink. 

As a WAHM I've got some new tips and tricks that I accumulated over the months and will be sharing with you guys. One little piece at a time! Feel like sharing? Comment below or share on facebook to get the conversation started!

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