Friday, September 9, 2011

Little Bits of Cleaning for 5 Spare Minutes

There are some tasks that get put off indefinitely in our house, because we don't really think about doing them. They're not part of the routine, and not doing them every week doesn't really seem to make a big difference. I'm talking about cleaning those little things like light switches, doorknobs, radiators or the backs of your chairs. They are little details that can easily get overlooked in the rush of everyday life.

So next time you have a couple of spare minutes and don't know how to spend them, try to do one of these little tasks, and you're good for a while.
Cleaning light switches can be a little tricky, but I've found that using something like rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover does wonders! Apparently baby-wipes work really well too, although I've never tried that myself (saw it on TV once).

For doorknobs, you could use a bit of dish soap or a disinfectant. Both doorknobs and light switches get used daily and should really be kept clean. Otherwise they'll just turn into a germ paradise!
For dusting places that don't get dusted often, little nooks and crannies, I usually use a damp rag with some dish soap. Rags can easily be pushed into little edges and get the dust and grime that's stuck there. 

Can you think of other forgotten little places in your house that really deserve a more regular cleaning than they get? How do you go about keeping track of what to clean when? Do you wait until it gets too dirty? Until you have visitors? Or do you follow a weekly schedule?

1 comment:

LJ Earnest said...

Baby wipes get amazing amounts of stuff off everything. Not only will they work on the switches, but they will also remove all sorts of stuff from car upholstery...

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