Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Worth Every Minute: Alternative Gifts

It's that time of the year that shop owners rejoice in the splendor of holiday spending. In my family we usually manage to keep things quite limited, but I can't help giving into buying gifts for friends and family from time to time.

Luckily, both my hubby and I have been out of the Christmas atmosphere for two years now (Christmas is not a big holiday in China), and it's been easy to avoid buying things like decorations and typical holiday foods. It's made December a lot less expensive than it used to be.

But looking forward to spending more holidays with family, we'd like to find more ways to keep the gift-buying to a minimum because neither of us is a big fan of 'stuff'.

That's why I was so happy to come across a ZenHabits post on alternative holiday gifts. I immediately felt like sharing (even though it took me about a week to do so).

Interested? Get all the goodness here:

For more articles and videos worth watching, check out the whole series of Worth Every Minute here.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I thoroughly agree!
However, I did make an exception this year, to start teaching my three year old the concept of giving...
He picked a new toy from the store, which we wrapped and placed under the Salvation Army charity Christmas tree for another little boy his age.
He's a bit young to understand the concept, but certainly enjoyed hurling the present into the pile!

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