Monday, November 28, 2011

20 Things to Feel Grateful For Every Day!

Recognizing the good in your life is a great short-cut to happiness. Finding out what you already have and how you really feel about it will show you that you may be much happier than you realize already. And to help you get along in counting the blessings in your life, I've assembled a list of 20 things we can all be grateful for every day (or at least the majority of us).

This list is guaranteed to cheer you up!
  1. The fact that you're alive! Out of all the zillion possible human beings that could have been created, the fact that we are the ones that made it. Our parents met, they fell in love (or into bed drunkenly), out of all the possible combinations that could have come from that union, we are the ones that came into being. The chances of existing are so tiny that we should feel grateful every day to have made it.
  2. To be living on a planet that not only sustains, but also provides for the life on it.
  3. Your health.
  4. For the food you can eat.
  5. The ability to read, learn, experience life.
  6. A brain that has the ability to comprehend its own magnificence.
  7. Your family, the love they feel for you and you for them.
  8. Your friends.
  9. The roof over your head and walls around you that keep out the rain, wind or sunshine.
  10. The clothes that keep you warm and protected.
  11. The money that allows you to buy what you need.
  12. The purpose in your life, be it work, study, taking care of the family or searching for a new purpose.
  13. The kindness of strangers: a seat offered on the bus, someone who holds the door open, help bagging your groceries.
  14. The warm fuzzy feeling of waking up and taking 3 extra minutes in a cozy bed.
  15. A hot cup of coffee/tea/coco on a cold day. A smile when you're sad. A surprising ray of sunshine through dark clouds.
  16. The amazing benefits of the modern world: your phone, computer, the internet, fridge, running hot water, etc.
  17. The memories you can access whenever you feel like it.
  18. The experiences that made you who you are today, be they bad or good ones.
  19. The knowledge you have acquired over the years and how it benefits you every day.
  20. The awareness of everything you can be grateful for.
It's not difficult to think of things to be grateful for. They will be different for everyone, but these 20 will be common to many of us. Being reminded of the things we take for granted can open our eyes to the wonders of life. 

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