Thursday, October 13, 2011

Aim for Small

Mini-cupcake by Vancouver Bites!
Pregnancy and food are a dangerous mix. Especially pregnancy and junk food. But I know it's not only pregnant women that crave foods that are bad for them. We all have our weaknesses and sometimes it's just too hard not to give in.
My hubby is pretty strict with me when it comes to eating fast food (frankly, I just don't tell him everything), but I make allowances for myself. If I really want something, I feel better just giving in than obsessing over it and getting stressed out in the process.

So how do I lessen my guilt and keep my intake of junk food under control? I opt for the smallest portion size.
I know that technically you get more value for money if you buy big sizes (although it's best to check that because I've found that sometimes the big containers end up costing more per kg than the small ones!), but you will still save money if you buy a smaller portion. The reality is that if you buy the big portion, you'll most likely finish it all at ones. I've only rarely seen someone put away half a bag of potato chips (my personal nemesis). If you only have a small portion, I doubt you'll run back to the store to buy more.

The same goes for bottles of soda, pieces of cake, packages of candy. Buying the small portion may seem more expensive, but it will save you money in the long run and keep you healthier, because you will get used to only consuming the small portion.
So next time you're at the store looking for that snack to satisfy your craving, try to find the smallest bag/package/bottle/can available and buy only that one. Just having a taste can be enough to get rid of those nagging thoughts.
If there is no small size available, sharing can work wonders too cutting your portion at least in half!


shrink on the couch said...

I'd love to have your resolve. Those 100 Calorie snack bags? Mortal enemy. I am a terrible salty snack binger. Woe is me.

Unknown said...

I used to be the same, ALWAYS craved salty snacks. I couldn't sit through a movie without a bag of potato chips.

I've found that the easiest way to build 'resolve' is by not buying the stuff to begin with. If possible, get someone else to do some of your grocery shopping for you.
If I buy it, I'll eat it. Only thing that works is not buying it.

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