Friday, October 7, 2011

Plan a Cat-Nap

Picture by Michael Himbeault
Naps are not just a luxury. For many of us, they could make the difference between an afternoon of sluggish dragging your feet or an afternoon full of energy and productivity.
Many cultures incorporate naps as a regular part of the day. In China, also, many people use the 2 hour lunch break for the reason it was intended: to rest for a while after a busy morning.
If you don't plan to take a nap, it's one of those things that gets put off to make room for endless Internet surfing or catalog browsing. Somehow the prospect of going to bed or lying down on the couch is not the most exciting. 

So instead, plan your cat-nap as vigorously and faithfully as your first priority tasks. When you do lay down and get some rest, allow yourself a feeling of accomplishment. Sleeping enough is just as important as eating healthy, so if you can feel good about eating a salad instead of eating a burger, you can feel good about getting some rest instead of shopping on eBay. 

Cat-naps don't have to be long (of course) and often as little as 15 minutes can already make a big difference!
Of course, for pregnant ladies like me naps are not so much optional as do-it-now-or-you'll-never-make-it-to-the-end-of-the-day. But I made napping a habit even before getting pregnant, and can fully attest to the benefits.

Give it a try and see what the effect is. Maybe it's not for you, or maybe you'll find your productivity, satisfaction, happiness and energy shooting up.

Any nappers already present on the readers' list? Now's the time to show your true colors and convince others! 


Sam said...

I sometimes do a powernap, which is a great refresher, but the trick is you need to wake up before you fall into a deep sleep, otherwise you'll be even more tired than when you started.

My trick to do this: sleep with one hand out of the bed/couch, and hold a spoon in that hand (or anything that makes noise when it falls). At a certain point, you'll start to fall asleep deeply and lose muscle control, which will result in you losing the spoon and the noise of it falling waking you up, hopefully nice and refreshed.

Might look a bit silly, but works like a charm :)

Unknown said...

Great idea Sam! I agree that sleeping too long can leave you more sluggish than before, but this tip is a great way to prevent that!

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