Sunday, April 24, 2011

Recognize the Sacrifice

Picture by Paige Foster
Today is Easter Sunday, and whether you're a Christian or not, the idea of someone dying nailed to a cross to save our souls is pretty impressive. In fact, the whole concept of sacrifice is pretty mind-boggling if you think about it. Someone giving up something to help another, without benefiting themselves in any way from the act, is truly showing us the best of humanity.

There are people who have sacrificed big in our past. I think about Ghandi, Mother Theresa and Father Damian, who spent their lives trying to do good. I think about soldiers who have died for their countries and their families. I think about great leaders like Joan of Arc and Martin Luther King, sacrificing their freedom for a future they believed in.
But there are sacrifices being made in our daily lives every day. Have you given up something, only because it would make someone else happy or help them out? Have you sacrificed your time, energy or money for a good cause? Do you know anyone else who has done the same?
Take time to acknowledge the fact that someone has made a sacrifice for you or someone dear to you. Name the sacrifice, and thank the person for it.
To my dearest husband: I know you gave up your education in the States to come live with me in Belgium and work there to put me through college. I know that was a huge  sacrifice and I am truly grateful for it. I can only wish that you've found it worth it.

Has this post inspired you to recognize a sacrifice? What is it?
Do you think this is a good idea or not? Click the boxes below to let me know!

Happy Easter!

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