Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Keep Your Keys Close

PicturebyAnn Cercova (
I have searched for my keys for seemingly endless ... minutes. My keys have seen more of my apartment than my most intimate friends. At least they did, until about two years ago.
Fed up with constantly having to wait of the other to locate their keys/phone/wallet, my husband and I created a designated area where we would keep these things.
Only the key-thing really stuck (wallet/phone still get lost quite frequently), but it has saved us a lot of valuable minutes. Trust me, those minutes add up! And, it's saved us a lot of stress and bickering too, which is much more important.

This is so simple, it might seem pointless for me to mention this. Most of you might already have a designated spot for the many keys in your life. But just in case you don't, go ahead and find one now. We picked a place right by the door. After we unlock the door, we just drop the keys straight in the tray. When we leave, they're right there for us to grab.

For those of you who already have a solid key-routine, maybe there's something else in your life you often have to look for. What about your lipstick? Hair pins? Screw driver? (Had to add some testosterone there). Creating a go-to place for stuff around you will save you valuable time, every time!

Other things I often have trouble locating are: my belt (I only have one) and jewelry. What about you? Anything you always seem to be looking for?

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