Sunday, May 15, 2011

Savor Every Sip

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In my humble opinion, coffee on the go is the most ridiculous outcome of today's fast paced society. It's practically an oxymoron. 'How?' you wonder?
Well, consider this: A cup of coffee (you may substitute tea if you don't like coffee, although 'tea on the go' hasn't quite taken off yet it seems) used to be associated with a short break. It was like a moment of stillness in the endless rushing of time. People took the time to brew it properly, and drink it together, enjoying the taste and the experience.

 Nowadays, they just grab a quick one on the way to work and sip it while rushing through traffic. Doesn't sound quite as relaxing, does it? So what's the point of drinking it then? Don't tell me you need the caffeine shot, because by the time you've progressed to the level of addiction where you actually NEED a cup in order not to have a headache, the coffee has lost most of its effect. I hardly get affected by caffeine at all these days. So how about reinstating the old fashioned coffee break?
Take your cup of coffee, and go somewhere where you can drink it undisturbed. You can do this alone, or with a friend/spouse/colleague/family member. Get comfortable. Smell the coffee first. Coffee is one of the most fragrant of all drinks, and the aroma can be enough to send you into a spiral of happy, relaxing contemplations (it does for me). Carefully take your first sip. It may be hot! This is supposed to be the case (don't sue anyone if you burn your tongue, it's your own fault).
Enjoy your cup of coffee sip by sip. Letting it warm you, comfort you, relax you or excite you. Feel the positive emotions it brings you.  If someone happens to walk in while you're in the middle, throw them a look of caffeinated seduction and ask them to join you. Happiness is the only thing that doubles when its shared.
Do you have other drinks you prefer to savor? How about a favorite Trappist beer, or a glass of freshly brewed Ice Tea?

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