Sunday, May 1, 2011

Delete Facebook: the 3-step Plan

Oh oh, I shouldn't have written that, should I? I'm going to get a lot of angry responses at this one, aren't I? But it shouldn't come as such a surprise that I would suggest this. This is, after all, a Blog dedicated to 5 minute activities that will win you time and pleasure in life. And let's face it, how much time do you spend on Facebook every day? How much is that per week? Per month?

Sure, you use it for networking, right? Or to keep in touch with friends and family that you'd never get to see without Facebook, right? Deleting Facebook would be like deleting your friends.
Well, let's track back. When did you get on Facebook? How many years ago was that? Now how many years were there before that, that you spent in perfect harmony with the non-existence of Facebook?
  1. Think this over for a bit. If you use Facebook for work, then maybe you need it. If you use it for exchanging pictures, perhaps it's the easiest way to do that (though there are plenty of other websites!). If you use it to play games and let people know how you're feeling every minute of every day, perhaps your time could be spent better doing something else.
  2. You've decided to delete, but don't know how? First of all, send messages or write a status update letting your friends know you're leaving. Secondly, make sure you back-up anything you want to keep. Go to this link and follow the steps. This video and this article also tell you how to delete your Facebook account.
  3. Do NOT LOG IN for 2 weeks (14 days) or your account will be re-activated. Make sure you delete cookies, don't press 'share' buttons or 'like' buttons for Facebook. All these will re-activate your account.

    Enjoy all your new free time! 
If you feel the need to fill an Internet void, you're always welcome here!

I quit Facebook in 2009 and haven't looked back since. It's been a relief, and I wasn't even such a big addict. It's also made it much easier for me to give up other distractions that were eating up too much of my time.

Have you ever thought of leaving Facebook? Or have you never had an account? Or do you think Facebook has added a valuable new dimension to your life? Share your views in the comments below! 

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