Sunday, May 8, 2011

5 Minute Meaningful Mother's Day

To every mother who reads this Blog: Happy Mother's Day! You are the reason we are all here, and the reason we live happily and healthily. You have given your lives to raise us and take care of us. We are eternally grateful.

To all those of you who HAVE a mother, read on to get the scoop on how to give your Mom a meaningful Mother's Day in 5 minutes (preferably on top of all the flowers, chocolate and surprise breakfasts you're bestowing on her.)
Mothers have this inexplicable (check back in a couple of years and I'll be able to explain it) fascination with their children's childhood. They remember them as if they were the golden years. Talk to them about first steps, scraped knees and school report cards, and they go all teary-eyed.

How about surprising your mother with one of your fond childhood memories this Mother's Day? A time when you needed her, and she was there. Or a time when it was just the two of you, and you did something special together.
Call your Mom and tell her you were just (reading this blog and) thinking about that time when ... . Thank her for being there. Who knows, you might just make her day!

My fond memory? My mother used to write my little notes after I'd just learned to read. She'd put them in my lunch box, or on the table for me to find after I got home from school. I don't remember what they said at all, I just remember being delighted at finding one every time.
Dank u Mama!


André said...

Nice picture...must be your mother?

Unknown said...

It is :-) Most beautiful woman in the world! Don't you think?

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