Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vote for Your Minutes!

After nearly two months of posting, you, as a reader, have had a chance to become familiar with the Minutes Worth Hours concept: I post advice every day about a 5 minute activity that could improve your life in some way. Now, I need your help with improving the blog, and making your minutes really worth your hours.
I've started a poll a couple of days ago, asking you to vote on how frequently you'd like to receive MWH updates. I realize that receiving a post in your inbox or on your RSS feed every day, may be a little bothersome to some of you. That's why I'm asking you to help me decide on a frequency that you would find more comfortable.
The poll is located on the right side of the blog. Just click the option you're most comfortable with. If you have other suggestions on how to improve this blog, I would love to hear from you. I write this blog for my readers, so I care about what you think. I have another blog where I just do my own thing. This one's here for you guys!

The poll will be up until June 15 (so for about two weeks) after which I will put the changes through, whatever you decide! 
Deciding how often you want to read blog posts is another way for you to exercise control over your life. Make sure you grab it!

Thanks for being here guys! I can't begin to say how much writing this blog and knowing someone's reading has changed my life!


Angeliki said...

I voted!

Unknown said...

Thanks! Hope plenty more will follow your example!

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