Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Expiration List

Picture by Ben Dalton
I've missed some posts due to the fact that our Internet subscription expired and being too late to renew it (although I did it on the day it expired) meant that I had trouble getting it back up.

So today's post is about this little lesson I just learned: I should really make a list of when certain subscriptions and services expire, so that I can renew them in time.
I don't have a big calendar in the apartment, but I would advice everyone to get one. The kind you put on the wall. They're great for birthdays, remembering when to put out the trash, AND noting down when you need to renew a subscription or pay a certain bill.

When you start this habit, you'll need to think of all the subscriptions you have and write down a list of them. Then, found out the dates that  they expire. Write down a note on your calendar about one week before the expiration date. That way you can schedule it in for the week to come.

Maintaining this is much easier than starting. Just make a new note whenever you've just renewed the subscription. That way you don't have to worry about it for the year to come. It's already noted. Taken care of.
I have a similar system with calling my grandmother. I call her every other week, and after each phone call, I make a new note in my Outlook diary for the next call.

Of course the best way to put these worries out of your mind is to make the renewing subscription automatic, and do the same for the payment. But don't forget to note down the money in your budgeting sheet, if that's the case.
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