Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Worth Every Minute

I like Sometimes it's a bit over the top, but I often find very valuable and worthwhile thoughts on there. Plenty of the things I do in my daily life, stem from zen habits in one way or another.

Today is Wednesday, so I want to share another article with you. This one is about making decisions. We make a ton of decisions in our daily life, and some of them can really pose problems. We can take an awful long time deciding on things that don't really matter in the end at all, like what to have for dinner. I've written about deciding before in the post Make a Decision!

What Leo Babauta does in this article, is give you some ideas to make decision making easier. He explains that we are obsessed with making the 'right' decision, but that often we can't because we don't have all the information it takes to make that right decision.
As a way to help us decides, he asks you to listen to your intuition and view every decision as a chance to gain more information, to learn something. I hope you get something out of this one too:
Let me know what you think!

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