Monday, June 20, 2011

Cut Your Shower Short

My sister is the queen of short showers. When she was staying with us last year, my husband and I were completely baffled by how fast she got in and out of a shower. So today, the tip I want to give you is the one we picked up from her.
Short showers have many benefits: you save water and energy (which is both environmental and saves you money!), your skin benefits from not being so dry, and ... most important for the purpose of this blog ... you save time.
My sister could take a shower in 5 minutes! I haven't quite made it that far, especially when I wash my hair, but I've managed to cut it short by at least 5 minutes each time.

When you're taking a shower, try not to think of it as a moment to relax. Better yet, put it on your to-do list and make it seem like a task you have to accomplish. Maybe this will inspire the 'let's-get-it-over-with'-vibe. 
That's not because I don't want you to relax. Naturally, I want you to have the best life possible. You're my readers, I have your best interest at heart at all times! So am I taking away a moment of joy from you? No, I'm just asking you to find another moment that you enjoy even more, or that relaxes you even more. No idea of what to do with those extra 5 minutes? How about you take a walk around this blog?

Maybe you could consciously relax your body by practicing corpse pose, or by meditating for 5 minutes. Or you could try something new like read some flash fiction or write a haiku. The sky is the limit!

Doing something completely different, will make those extra five minutes of shower time feel like an hour!
One of the ways in which I've cut my shower-time short is by only using one product in the shower. Whether I'm washing my hair or shaving my legs, there's only one product I need. It's all natural too! Come back tomorrow to find out what it is!

How would you spend your extra 5 minutes? Are you usually one to take long showers?


Elise Berben said...

Hihi, yesssssss I am Queen!! :-) And i can even use two different products in those 5 minutes...

Unknown said...

You TOTALLY are! It's unbelievable! :-)

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