Monday, July 4, 2011

Always Call First

Picture by David Baron
Since the invention of the telephone, and later on the mobile epidemic, there's really no excuse for arriving anywhere unannounced. That doesn't mean you can't be spontaneous, it's just common courtesy.

I like when my friends call me to let me know they're coming over. I don't want the doorbell ringing when I'm in the middle of a shower, or, worse, an intense writing session.

But it's not just the polite thing to do, it also saves time.
When you go to a restaurant, do you usually make a reservation? I do it for most of the restaurants I go to, even if it's only half an hour before we arrive. I call to make sure there are seats available, and to give the people time to get our table ready.
When we then arrive, they just have to lead us up to our table. It's so much nicer than waiting around for half an hour until the other customers are hastily chased through their last cup of coffee. I've worked in a restaurant before, that is how it goes!
When it comes to visiting a friend, announcing your visit can give your friend time to get some stuff ready. I make sure to have some space cleared, for example, or to get some drinks and snacks ready. It's not a big deal, but it does make the welcome seem more ... well ... welcoming.
 So, in short, pick up that phone, and spend the couple of minutes it takes to make a reservation or announce you'll be stopping by. You'll be saving yourself some time and your hosts some inconvenience. If that isn't a win-win, I don't know what is!

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