Tuesday, July 19, 2011

MWH Travel Tips: 6 - Delete Your Pictures

Picture by Nimble Photography
It's a disease of the new age: holiday snaps that pile up on your computer endlessly. And let's admit it, do you ever get to going through all of them and selecting the best ones to put in a nice album? Well, we don't. Usually, it takes us months, sometimes years, to start organizing all those pictures.

One of the ways we've found to limit the amount of pictures to sort out, is by going through our camera at various times during the trip. This can be on the train or bus, waiting in the airport, or while our food is being served.
I suggest you go through your pictures as often as you can. We often get caught up in thinking that every picture we take is an invaluable memory, but remember those trips you took where two rolls of film was all you had? Now, does it seem like you have less memories from that trip because you took less pictures? Of course not! Your memory may be less vivid because of how long ago the trip was, but the pictures play no role in that.
Deleting your pictures as you go along will also help you save space on your flash card, although nowadays that's not such a big issue anymore. It will make a difference when it comes to videos though.
The major advantage is the experience of going through your pictures when you go home, however. Now, you only have to look through the good pictures, and choose which ones of those to keep. Or, just keep them all!
Going through your pictures while on the trip, is a great way to enjoy the pleasures of that day again. You get to relive the experience and discuss it with your travel companion(s) or the people you meet. Traveling becomes a more intense and rewarding experience.

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