I do, however, take time to breathe and count in my head when I feel things are getting too rushed for my taste.
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No need to go anywhere quiet for this exercise, you can do it anywhere, anytime. (I do suggest that in case you're in a car and feel the need or desire to close your eyes, you pull over first!)There's more on breathing in this legendary Zenhabits post.
Inhale deeply. See how your shoulders moved up? Don't do that! With the next inhalation, send your breath to your stomach. This way the air gets to the bottom of your longs, opening the little air sacs that don't get reached often. It's a great way to increase your lung capacity, thus sending more oxygen (=energy) to your muscles and brain.
Breathe in and out ten times. S L O W L Y ! With every breath, let go of tension. Your body should become softer, more flexible. Feel how the air enters your body, and leaves again. This should relax you to some degree pretty much instantly. Focusing on something different will have that effect.
If it doesn't help at all ... consider adding regular cocktails to your schedule!
I use this exercise to re-focus, something I will talk about in a later post!
Have you tried it? Did it work?