Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kiss Slowly

Picture by Steve Todey
Kissing someone is the most intimate thing you can do, be it your spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, best friend, sibling, parent or child.
My husband and I have been married nearly 5 years, and let's face it, things aren't quite the same as they were when we first fell in love. I'm quite glad they aren't though. We went from skyrocketing highs to bottomless lows (trans-Atlantic relationships can do that to a person) in a matter of days.

The one thing I sometimes do miss, is the intensity of the affections. Sometimes, when the days seem to fly by without us being able to have some 'us' time, we just halt for a moment to show our affection with a long, tender kiss.
First of all, find someone to kiss. When you have found a suitable man/woman/child/pet, make sure this person or animal actually wants to be the recipient of your kiss, or you may discover how to duck fast instead of kiss slowly.
When you kiss, try to express your feelings for the person through your lips. Your love, passion, respect and admiration can all show in a kiss. How much you've missed someone. How glad you are to see them. How much you love them. Just remember, you're kissing sentences here, not just words. Make the gesture count. Bolster it with sincerity.
For those of you who want all the details (you cheeky little deviates), a standard kiss between my husband and I will last for about 30 seconds. And trust me, it makes up for a lot of fast-paced, hectic hours!

Who could you embrace to show your affection to? Maybe a grandparent that's been hoping you'd visit? A child that is looking for your approval?


LeanaM said...

Wil jij nu zeggen dat je dat getimed hebt? =p

Unknown said...

't Zal wel zijn!
Je moet toch je research doen? Dàt is hoe toegewijd ik ben ;-)

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