Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Five 1-Minute Productivity Tips

Picture by Trine de Florie
I know some of you don't have time to rummage around this blog looking for the best advice for your particular situation, so I've gathered some tips to make you more productive instantly. Some of these I have discussed more fully in other posts, in which case I link back to them. Others are easy or quick tips that don't really need a full post explanation.

So how do you give your productivity an instant boost? You pay attention to the little things:
  1. Clear your working space. Anything that is within your reach but you don't need, shouldn't be there. A clear surface is a great way to focus on the only thing that's on there, which is your work. Storing away the stuff that's already there, is a matter of seconds really.

  2. Make a to-do list with only the essential tasks on it. Keeping your energy focused on the one thing that should be done first, will make it easier not to worry about all the other stuff. You can always keep a longer to-do list with a week's worth or a month's worth of goals somewhere else, and draw from that every day. Read this post about writing a to-do list for more information!

  3. Take a couple of seconds to focus. It can really help to sit down and gather your thoughts and your energy before you start working. You'll be more controlled and more to the point in your work. That will result in less time wasted on stuff that might otherwise catch your attention, but doesn't matter at all. Wondering how to focus quickly? Read this post to learn how.

  4. Set a time-limit for your work. It may seem counter intuitive to limit the amount of time you spend you work to become more productive, but it does make sense. After working on the same task for a while, your energy starts to dwindle, and so does your productivity. You're better of bundling your energy and working in highly productive spurts. The time you'd spend if you kept working, you can use to perform tasks that don't require much concentration.
    You can use Instant Boss to help you stick to your assigned time.

  5. Give up the idea of multitasking. It doesn't work. When you think you're doing two things at once, you're in reality switching between tasks. However quick you may be able to switch, you ALWAYS lose time in the switching, and, more importantly, you lose focus. Read this post about the myth of multitasking for more!
I love productive days and moments. They make me feel successful. It doesn't matter so much what I do, I can feel successful teaching, cleaning that house, writing or baking bread. It's just the feeling of progressing and working toward a goal that makes it all worthwhile!

How do you keep a focus on being productive? How do you stop procrastinating and start getting things done? I'm always looking for more great advice!

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