Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3 Ways to Drink More Water

Picture by Greg Riegler
One of the tips for a healthy diet that I usually find difficult to keep up with, is the one about drinking more water. Usually, I just forget about it unless I'm really thirsty. And now that the heat has subsided, and our life is quite relaxed, I don't feel thirsty half as often as I should.
So I need to find little tricks to remind myself to drink more water. I want to share with you today what has worked for me so far.
  1. It's important to always have water ready for you to drink. Keep a pitcher of water on your desk, a bottle in your bag, a glass on your bedside table (for mornings, not evenings!)
  2. Make sure to drink water that you enjoy. There's no use trying to get yourself to drink more water if you don't like the taste. The habits won't stick. And yes, water does have lots of different tastes. If you're in a country where you can safely drink tap-water, a filtering can or system can improve the taste (and the effects on your iron and washing machine). It's what my parents did, and the water tastes great!
  3. Make it a habit to sip your water rather than drinking big amounts at once. You will soon get used to the fresh feeling, and the lack thereof can start making you feel uncomfortable.
    This also keeps you from downing full glasses that leave you feeling like a giant water balloon. Not a pleasant feeling!
When I was young, I remember one of my classmates actually being taken to the hospital because he was dehydrated.  I've never quite forgotten that.
Drinking more water can help purify your body, and can help you get a better skin and a slimmer waist. You just have to remember to do it.


Angeliki said...

That's very good advice. I'll keep it in mind. Especially in the winter I tend to replace water with tea but nothing beats the freshness of a cool glass of water.

Elise said...

Ik probeer zoveel mogelijk te drinken, zeker voor en tijdens het sporten. Maar ook in de klas. Een goed idee om een flesje steeds dicht bij de hand te houden.
Goeie tip zuster lief

Unknown said...

Angeliki: Glad you found the advice useful. Nothing in the post says what temperature the water ought to be. We drink hot water here too in winter. Too much (black) tea can have its own problems though.

Elise: graag gedaan! Inderdaad, sport had ik ook nog kunnen vernoemen!

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