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We live in a world where people are allowed to say pretty much anything they want to. Under the cloak of free speech, not only do we declare things that are untrue, but we insult and harass each other too. Words are, more than ever before, powerful weapons. And you don't need a license to open your mouth.
Of course, it's wonderful that we don't get prosecuted for what we say. And we need people to voice concerns and objections to our most common ideas as well. People have to feel free and safe to tell their truths, but to me, that's not a license to just say whatever first gets into your mind, without considering the consequences.
When you're in the middle of an argument, or about to tell someone something that may be quite sensitive in nature, try to take a moment to consider how your words will affect the other person, and which effect you're hoping to get.
Now, try to find the best way to say what you want to say. The best way is the way the way that will bring you closest to a win-win: You will convey the message and the other person will be receptive to it. The best way is also a way in which you don't jeopardize the relationship between you and the other person. Keeping a line of communication open should be your first priority in a conversation.
Remember that you can always convey your message at another time, when it's more appropriate or less tricky. You won't be able to take back any words already spoken.I've suggested to others, to try and count to 10 before saying something hurtful or delicate. It's the trick that I've used to a couple of years. I used to be incredibly rude (ask my parents) and just say anything that would come up in my mind, no matter how offensive it was.
I'd like to think I've learned a couple of lessons in those days.
yes sister, in those days you where... :-) but so was I, and I am still learning...
"Geen lijn maar een cirkel" weet je nog? Hihi :-)
hihi dat was hilarisch!
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